X-Covering™ X-Covering® is the revolutionary coating material, available in large format rolls, which combines the exceptional properties of the foamed, screen-printed PVC support with a technical coating in hand-worked mortars.
Le grandi dimensioni dei pannelli riducono il numero di fughe e facilitano le regolari operazioni di pulizia e manutenzione. Grazie al peso ridotto, il rivestimento X-Covering™ può essere trasportato con semplicità e gode di una sorprendente flessibilità. Ciò riduce al massimo i costi per l’installazione, rispetto ai rivestimenti tradizionali in ceramica o gres.
X-Covering™ it can be applied directly on pre-existing tiling, allowing to avoid the disposal of waste materials.
All these features make up X-Covering™ an innovative product with infinite expressive possibilities.
minimum thickness (only 3 mm)
lightness and manageability in laying
flexibility and possibility of shaping with a simple cutter
direct laying on previous coatings or plaster
high soundproofing capacity

Karim Rashid per X-Coverings
Dynamic, eclectic and sinuous patterns for a great visual impact: the graphic design of the charismatic Karim Rashid per X-Covering™, the revolutionary handcrafted made in Italy coating. Perfect for contemporary scenarios where expressive and casual scenes, backdrops and elevations are required.