Vasca idromassaggio con sistema idromassaggio Talent System™

Z-Pleasure è la vasca speciale disegnata da ZeTae Studio®, disponibile con l’esclusivo sistema brevettato di idromassaggio Talent System™. Questo modello, che ospita comodamente due persone di media corporatura, micro-jet nascosti alla vista e posizionati in un inedito profilo ergonomico, insieme ad una sorgente led RGB a lama di luce ed al sistema di troppopieno. La nuova tecnologia Natural Beauty consente un innovativo bagno rigenerante, ricco di ossigeno, in grado di rendere la pelle vellutata e detersa in profondità. Un beneficio per corpo e mente.

L’innovativo sistema di idromassaggio Waterfall Technology™ consente una distribuzione delle impercettibili bocchette di erogazione e del sistema di illuminazione a led RGB lungo tutto il perimetro del guscio interno della vasca, per un’esperienza di benessere avvolgente, totale.

Zed-Pleasure has been designed to accomodate easily two people of medium build. The absence of the pre-printed seats in the bathtub shell guarantees the best habitability and facilitates every body movement into the water basin. The ergonomic profile, along the entire internal perimeter, allows to always find the ideal position for a correct posture.

The micro-jet nozzles are imperceptible to the eye and positioned into the shell ergonomic profile: this allows obtaining an ideal angulation of the flow and the effect of a natural hydromassage at the level of the lower back.

The RGB LED lighting is positioned along the entire ergonomic profile of the shell, with the source hidden from view: the maximum diffusion and compactness of the light inside the tub, with full and enveloping colors, guarantees an unprecedented well-being scenario.

The new Natural Beauty technology represents the evolution of skin care and well-being during the bath ritual: the basin of the bathtub is enriched with a cloud of micro air bubbles released in water that caresses the body and oxygenates the skin, making it naturally velvety and deeply cleansed.

The bathtub internal shell profile hides the integrated overflow system, with a minimalist and contemporary design oriented to functionality and ergonomics.

The special gel pillows supplied are made-to-measure for this model, to obtain the best comfort from the bathtub ergonomic profile: they adapt to shoulders and back and guarantee the ideal support for neck and head.